Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Sewing Updates and More.

Where have I been!? Well, nowhere really. I'm just amazed how fast time has flown by recently! So since my very ambitious list of '2014 sewing goals' in my previous post, I've not really done that much :-/

Ok, I've done a little bit! ;-) 

I've been making a flurry of farmer's wife quilt blocks and had so much fun with them! I've noticed when I've pulled all my blocks together they all look very bright and 'pretty' so I wanted to tone it down a bit with some more muted tones, so that's what I've done with these blocks. In my next post I'll lay them all out for a progress report. Until recently I used to just make random blocks from the book I fancied making at that particular time, now I've got a little more strict so I'm working on them in order - which is sooo much easier! I have no idea why I didn't think of doing this before?

I think this is my new favourite; #26 Cut Glass Dish. The yellow fabric is a vintage piece from my stash, I have the tiniest amount so it was perfect for a bit of fussy cutting to use in my FWQ. The small floral is a Liberty Tana Lawn which is another stash favourite, and the cream background is the Le Creme Swiss Dot

So what else have I been up to? Oh, I left the sewing room, as I occasionally do ;-) and took a lovely walk around the coast where we live. The photo above is walking from Porthcurno, overlooking Logans Rock in Cornwall. 

AND … my fiancé Robin and I have finally made a decision and booked our wedding, we're eloping in Maui this October - I cannot wait!!!!! We got engaged in October 2012 (can't remember if I mentioned that on the blog here?) so I'm excited things are getting sorted! :-) and of course I already have grand plans for lots of dressmaking for the holiday! Let's see how I get on… Hope you all had a good month. xo


  1. Eloping to Maui - SO the very best!! Used to live there, moving back this Nov, and getting married Dec 30, 2015!!! LOVE your blog - and wish you the very best ever -

  2. Great blocks, but oh how exciting!!!

  3. Lots of great work. Beautiful colours. How exciting I bet Oct can't come too soon.

  4. Love the blocks, but more importantly, how exciting, eloping to Maui!!!

  5. Your blocks are FABULOUS; your engagement is ULTRA FABULOUS!! Congratulations!

  6. I love your blocks. And congrats on the wedding! That will be so fun.

  7. I just love your work! And congrats on your plavs to elope!

  8. wow ! and congratulations ! you have in fact, been very busy. lovely pin neat and sooooo pretty blocks. it will make a smashing wedding quilt.

  9. Ohhhh we are eloping to Banff in late September- no family invited or anything. I think Maui may be slightly warmer ;) Happy planning.

  10. Gorgeous blocks & big congrats on your upcoming wedding :)
    Karen x

  11. Congrats!!! my husband and I eloped to Nevis in the Caribbean and it was the best decision we ever made! Maui will be wonderful...my brother married on Kauai. I have been loving your farmer's wife blocks here and on instagram. I getting inspired to start one. Your coast is beautiful I so wish to visit the UK one day!

  12. Wonderful news about your wedding! Congratulations and Best Wishes. Oh, the Farmer's Wife Blocks knocked my socks off!

  13. Oh so pretty... love the yellow vintage fabric. And, congratulations!


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