Wednesday 2 April 2014

Sewing Goals 2014

Now you could say I'm a little late in the year to be planning my sewing goals for 2014, it is April after all! Your right, but I thought it's better late than never. Also I've never actually done this before! I think partly because I never really feel confident enough to write it down as then I start to feel the pressure if I don't complete it? Silly I know. Hopefully this year will mark a change, as I've been quite pro-active so far in getting things done. So now a goal list doesn't seem to be quite as daunting because I can already tick off a couple of things ;-)

Garment Sewing
I think first and foremost, I would love to do more garment sewing this year. I made two dresses and a pair of trousers at the end of last year (which I will have to showcase on the blog soon, once I've plucked up the courage to photograph myself in them!). It's an area I don't feel very comfortable in, skills wise - but I want to learn!

- Kanerva button back shirt by Named
- Butterick 8949 shirt (vintage pattern)
- Butterick B5601 dress 
- Butterick 5644 skirt (vintage pattern)
- Improve seam finish skills

I don't want to set myself too many wild quilting plans this year, instead I would like to focus on finishing some WIP's. Once I've got some of those done I crack on with some new projects. 

- Mini quilts for the sewing room
- Finish St. Louis 16 patch
- String block mini quilt
- Round & Round mini quilt, by Thimbleblossoms
- Work on EPP double wedding ring quilt
- Finish farmer's wife quilt top?
- Practice free motion quilting / finish one quilt using FMQ
- Finish #scrappyirishchain quilt (send to quilter)
- Finish Moda Alphabet quilt
- Navy/white solid quilt
- Finish EPP diamond quilt
- Button Up, by Cluck Cluck Sew

General Sewing
Now that I have been bitten by the bag bug, I thought I would include some more making this year! I'd also like to draft a pattern for this amazing bag I stumbled across on Pinterest, as I've not come across a pattern like it? Isn't it perfect?

- 'Madras' tote bag by Noodlehead
- Cargo Duffle bag No.1 (weekender use) by Noodlehead
- Cargo Duffle bag No.2 (beach bag use) by Noodlehead
- Large zip storage bags for bedlinen
- Peg bag
- Ironing board cover for sewing room

So, just a few things to be getting on with! Oh, and I haven't included handmade gifts or the occasional commissioned project I get, it's only my personal sewing and craft goals. I plan to re-visit this at the start next year to see how I get on. Have you made a goal list this year? Do you find it helps you to stay on track and get things done?


  1. Can't wait to see what you make, patterns & fabrics look great :)
    Karen x

  2. Love the blue bag. That would be pretty easy to make. Off to check out your pinterest page :)

  3. Oh I am a list-o-holic!!!
    Good luck xxx

  4. "just a few things to be getting on with" eh ? sounds like a full time job to me ! but you are a fast worker I have no doubt at all that you can do the lot , and make it stylish and pretty.
    You'll never get me back to dressmaking tho' GBSB or no, I spent years making stuff to wear, I even made my husband a couple of shirts ! which I think a real challenge, but I never truly liked any thing I made to wear myself. I wore the dress or skirt etc but loved having the cash for an actual Mary Quant or Biba [ age showing here] and wore them to rags. Still if anyone can make something another woman would envy , it will be you !
    Good sewing x

  5. That's a good list!!!! I haven't written mine down (I can't figure out if it's worse to have constatly whirring around my head or a huge list, cos I'm sure it would go into two pages!!!!!) Can't wait to see your drafted bag :) x

  6. I found your blog via Pinterest looking at Rise & Shine quilts. I am sitting here open mouthed that our WIP's are exactly the same at the moment and most of our to-do list is identical too! My husband and I just bought a new house, but when I get back in the swing you can find me at and you bet I will be here to see how your FWQ and your navy and white goes (look for mine in the future too!!). Have a wonderful week!

  7. Anonymous13 May, 2014

    Beautiful bag!!


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