Monday 30 January 2012

Quilted Pot Holders

I'm loving finding all sorts of kitchen related sewing projects at the moment. So these quilted pot holders were the perfect starting point. I discovered the tutorial via Pinterest, of course! I've found it's a great way to help me organise my 'sewing to do list' by creating a pinboard dedicated to tutorials. Perfect.
I love them hanging on my vintage peg rack I thrifted back in the summer. My kitchen is all coming together nicely now, yayy! (share some pics soon, promise!) 

I used a 1930's repro floral fabric and red gingham binding for a sweet, country kitchen feel.  Oh and do you like my vintage orange le creuset dish?? I inherited it (and some others) from my nana this Christmas - she has a collection of over 50 peices!! serious collector. I think I know where my Pyrex addiction come from now :)
So what have you been sewing lately, can you recommend any good kitchen sewing tutorials online?


  1. Love the touch of the red gingham! And you are one lucky girl to inherit pieces like this le creuset dish.

  2. So cute!! Love the whole look of everything in the first picture - so pretty :)

  3. You have used the most gorgeous fabric, really love it! x

  4. Oh thank you for the link to the tutorial, such a great idea. Your kitchen looks amazing! I love the colours that you've used.
    Your le creuset dish is lovely... :-) I'd LOVE one myself but when I spotted them in the shop the other day, I was So shocked at the retail price of them!!

    Ashley xxx

  5. these are so adorable! great colors.

  6. Love these :) xx
    Have you seen my latest sewing project Jess, I'm seriously proud of myself....


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