Friday 6 November 2009

Custom Wedding Invites

I have been cracking on with my friends wedding invites recently, and they are slowly coming together. Here is a finished version..
They're a tri-fold design, and i'm making a pocket for the inside to store extra information; like maps and things like that.

this is how many i've completed fully - only another 100 to go! wish me luck! :)
Have a great weekend! 


  1. These are just adorable. I love the bottom tier the most I think! Oh there are so, so many beautiful ideas out there - shame found them after our wedding!
    Have a fab weekend, well done you xx

  2. Looks like a fun project & looking good so far!

  3. I helped my cousin do her wedding invites and menus this summer and felt like I could make those babies in my sleep by the time they were all done! Good luck :)

  4. Those cards are beautiful and cute at the same time! Good luck with the rest, love the little white lace scalloped edge on the bottom tier. I think I need to start a wedding inspiration folder on my computer (and I'm a long ways from a ring even!) This would be the first thing in it!

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