Friday 25 September 2009

Tea Towels Galore!

Hello, hello! it's Friday already, hasn't this week gone fast! are you doing anything nice over the weekend? i'm hopefully going out for a meal with some friends tomorrow, if i can shake of this cold i have just woke up with this morning.. Anywho after browsing homeshoppingspy i came across this lovely print.. well what i thought was a print, it's not, it's actually a tea towel! doesn't it look great, who'd have thought a tea towel could be such a lovely piece of art :) 

i also thought the message quite appropriate while i have the 'lurgie' at the moment!
Here are some other gems i found whilst i was in tea towel search mode..
1. Rainbow Penguin, limited of 1 print!, 2. New Arrivals - Tea Towel
1. P6060079, 2. Starling- Tea Towel

Have a lovely weekend! :) 


  1. love the "print" teatowel!! far too lovely to dry dishes with!

    Have a fab weekend - hope you are feeling better?

    Rose XXX

  2. What a lovely blog... you seem to be really creative, beautiful things you make!

  3. lovely blog! congratulations!!! :)

  4. Oh my goodness, I love those penguins! Really great finds, they're all so cute.


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