Tuesday 29 September 2009

Messy Jesse Featured in Sew Magazine!

Hello fellow blog friends! Today i have some exciting news to share with you, I can finally reveal the feature in Sew magazine i mentioned a while back! They very kindly sent me a copy that i received this morning and i was absolutely blown away, i'm SO happy, i literally danced around the room when i saw it :) .. very weird seeing my face in print!?? They did a lovely little Q&A with me about my blog, sewing creations, what keeps me inspired etc and it's all turned out very well. It hits news stands on the 2nd of October, so be sure to pick up a copy.. But here is a sneak peek incase you don't see it!

They also had a lovely feature on Jenny Hart, of Sublime Stitching. She's such an inspiration; opening up a world of embroidery to a new generation of crafters like me :) 
It's great to find out more about her, i think i may have to invest in some of her transfer embroidery books now! 


  1. Congratulations! That's so great!

  2. Brilliant. Well done! Will try and get a copy.

  3. Wow, thats wonderful! Congratulations :)

  4. Go girl! Well done - I'm dead chuffed for you!

  5. well done you :-) you must be thrilled!

    Rose XXX

  6. thank you everyone, your all so kind! :) X

  7. Congratulations! That is awesome!

  8. Wow that is fantastic! Congrats!

  9. yay! congrats! super feature on a well deserved artist :o)


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