Wednesday 30 October 2013

EPP Diamond Progress

Hi friends! Just a quick post today to share with you my progress on the english paper piecing quilt. Technically I have just finished my final 3" 8-point diamond #35, which would make it 5 x 7 stars around 52" x 72". Would you say that's big enough, or should I go 6 x 7 stars? I don't have a plan for it's 'use' right now but in the future I would like it to be a nice size for a child's bed! ;) so in that case I guess it's about the right size already for a single (twin) bed

These are my latest blocks, lots of 30s repro's and some cute Lecien Old/New - my favourite! They're so nice to do when the feeling takes me, normally I'll go whip up a bunch and then forget about them for a while, I like projects like that.

psst; my Quiltessential book giveaway ends tomorrow, enter to win here!


  1. love the colors of your latest stars! =) Thanks for sharing your progress!

  2. They're fab- I didn't once pick up my hand piecing on two 8 hour flights last week, I really don't like hand sewing and really admire those who do!

  3. They look beautiful! I think you have made enough for your quilt! Just yesterday I got out the diamond paper pieces I bought from Sew and Quilt recently and decided it was time to start using them :) I love English paper piecing, I find it so relaxing!
    Helen x

  4. I too find English paper piecing relaxing...and fun! I am working on tons of 1" hexies right now but my next epp project will be these stars. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. ooh I have just made a mini quilt with one of these stars...size for me all depends on how much patience you have! With my summer of love quilt, I thought I had finished, then when I laid it out on the bed it just screamed 'make me bigger!'

  6. gorgeous diamonds and fabrics love them !

  7. Beautiful progress! I think your 5 x 7 size will work for a twin, especially if it's a daybed. But if the fabric starts talking and wants you to add can always add to it. No need for a permanent decision just yet. :)

  8. They are all so pretty!! I need to continue working on my hexes and can't wait to make some diamonds, too! xo Heather

  9. I just mad e a diamond mug rug.. So fun to just sit and sew in a chair. I love how easily they go together.


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