Monday 20 June 2011

Instax Love

Some time ago I purchased the brilliant Fujifix instax camera, which enables you to make the sweetest little polaroids. I happened to stumble across these pictures below in some recent un-packing, they were taken in Dulwich park during our snow flurry we had in the U.K. last winter :) I have lots more to share - just have to find them first!? If you like the look of this, you can see find more on the many dedicated Flickr groups, such as this one.

They take a little getting used to mind, and I have plenty of 'duds' that will not be re-surfacing any time soon. Danielle of thompsonfamily blog has found an ingenious way to upcycle these photo's that don't make the cut! 


  1. I love your polaroids! I really want one of those cameras. Such a great way to record little bits of life.

  2. Fab photos! you must be pleased you found them again!


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