The Needlecraft Book
Friday 21 January 2011
Labelled 'The Needlecraft Book', it most certainly lives up to it's title, covering everything and more under the huge subject of all things needlecraft. Including key chapters on knitting, crochet, embroidery, needlepoint, patchwork, applique and quilting! There are very clear photo's and detailed instructions for all topics, as well as galleries of ideas to get those creative juices flowing - once you have mastered the basic's of course! Though if your anything like me you'll want to jump straight into the most difficult project first?! It's perfect for all abillities and a great reference for when you need it. I especially loved the super clear instructions for simple things such as holding a crochet hook correctly and slipknot's; ideal for a beginner like me :)
So you can imagine how happy I was when I got it for £10 in the WHSmiths sale! ;) though don't worry you can also buy it here on Amazon.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, one of my duties will be posting these little Messy Jesse shop packages. I also have a couple of custom orders I need to be getting on with and a family trip out. Are you doing anything fun?
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