Thursday 3 September 2009

Messy Jesse: I've Been Featured!

I just wanted to say a big thanks to the people at Buffet Today for mentioning my little Etsy shop on their blog! I was so happy to see it when I was browsing their site. Thanks again for your kind words :) 
I also want to thank Alex over at the wonderful Make do & Mend blog for putting forward my cupcake needle case tutorial on Craftig, and tweeting about me :) I got a few more blog followers because of it, so I'm very grateful. You have to visit their blog as well, it really is worth a look! They feature some great things and have amazing free printables! like these:

source: makedo&send

source: makedo&send

Also Craftig is a place worth visiting if your interested in all things crafty, it provides a base for people to share new projects, ideas, tutorials or freebies. 

p.s. I have some REALLY exciting news to let you in on too! I'm going to be featured in a magazine!!!!!! It's called Sew, A UK based sewing magazine launched in May this year. 
If you haven't read or heard of it before and your into sewing go out and buy it because it has some really good things to make, I've already made a knitting roll from of it! :) I can't tell you any more details about it now, but you will hear more about it soon enough ;) 


  1. It's a great magazine - I look forward to seeing you featured in it!

    Pomona x

  2. Congratulations Jessie, I'm so chuffed for you!

  3. congrats! so many features (:
    i also mentioned your blog on one of my posts along with buffet today! she mentioned my blog as well right underneath your feature, lol!
    well good luck, i enjoy browsing through your blog.

  4. Yey for you! Love the girls at buffet =)

  5. Thats great Jessie, so glad to hear you're being mentioned and featured everywhere. You thoroughly deserve it your stuff is wonderful x

  6. hooray! congrats on your FIRST magazine feature


  7. Im so happy that I helped you get some more followers Jessie :)

    Congratulations on the magazine feature and thanks for giving me such a lovely mention here today! Have a great weekend x

  8. Wow that's great and i think the people at Sew magazine must have really good taste ;)

    I have got 3 copies of this months already , Chrissy says i should keep one sealed for when i am rich and famous !!!

    Sara x


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